All posts by Bound2Plzu

Jail Story – Part 3

By Bound2Plzu

After a winter that seemed to have no end, we seemed to skip spring and go right into 
summer. I was thrilled beyond belief when the phone rang on Friday afternoon and it was my policeman friend Troy. He asked if I was ready to spend some more jail time over the weekend. I said, “Of course I am!” He said he’d pick me up during his evening shift.

At 5, I hustled home, changed into jeans and a tee, threw some cuffs and leg irons into a small gym bag and was ready. After I grabbed a sandwich, Troy knocked on the door and we were off. The jail building was unchanged from the fall. Up on third floor the cells were just as they had been when we left them. The usual clicks and clank noises and my cell opened up. I entered with my bag, and Troy left the control leavers and followed me in.

Continue reading Jail Story – Part 3

Grain Bin

By Bound2plzu

Although I live in a rural part of the south, I am not a farmer and not a fan of most of what it entails. However I have a good friend who is. Blond hair, blue eyes and muscles from now til next week. I often go by his home after getting off work and visit, help out with chores and grab dinner prior to heading home.

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Jail Story – Part 1

By Bound2plzu

I’ve lived in a small rural town for a number of years and never considered it to be a big advantage over city life, until now. Our local police department was recently required to replace its almost 100-year-old jail with a new, state-of-the-art facility. The old building was left as it had been, on its last day of service. Even though the electric had been turned off, all of the mechanisms were controlled manually. Working for the town, I am also friends with one of the local officers. I asked him to show me sometime how the levers and control rods worked to open, close and lock the cells. He said he would be glad to.

Continue reading Jail Story – Part 1